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Friday, 7 December 2012



  • 法国熏衣草(Lavendar)
  • 玫瑰(Rose)
  • 葡萄柚(Grapefruit)

  • 佛手柑(Bergamot)

  • 罗勒(Basil)
国王的香药草。有化瘀的作用对于生理痛.头痛偏头痛时,都能减轻疼 痛。对下垂、阻塞皮肤有紧实,清爽之功效,亦可控制粉刺。对神经是很好的补强剂,稳定歇斯底里及神经失调,特别是感觉虚弱时。治头疼及偏头痛是一级品,对 头部有益;亦可消除鼻黏膜上的息肉,改善耳痛,减轻过敏症状,因为它会影响肾上腺,而肾上腺能控制因压力造成的过敏现象。可降低血中的尿酸、进而纾解痛风 和肌肉酸痛。

  • 肉桂(Cinnamon)

  • 柠檬(Lemon)
去除老死细胞使黯沈的肤色明亮,改善破裂的微血管,对油腻的发肤有净 化功效。循环系统绝佳的补药,使血液畅通,因为减轻静脉曲张部位之压力,亦是有效的强心剂,用于降低血压。可恢复红血球的活力,减轻贫血的现象,亦可刺激 白血球,增加免疫能力.能改善唇部疱疹及感冒的发烧现象,对便秘与蜂窝组织炎亦颇有益。

  • 柠檬尤加利(Eucalyptus)
具非常强力的杀菌功效,可治疗流行感冒、支气管炎、纾缓鼻塞、抑制感 冒病毒滋生。亦能治疗尿道感染,并有利尿的功效。另外还具帮助伤口愈合、促进新生组织生长。它亦是局部止痛剂,可纾解疼痛。还能改善关节炎、肌肉酸痛和纤 组织炎。它还是驱赶蚊虫的精油之一。较温和,比其它种类尤加利更适合长期持续2~3星期使用。

  • 丝柏(Cypress)

  • 甜橙(Orange)

  • 广藿香(Potchouli)

  • 姜(Ginger)

  • 迷迭香(Rosemary)

  • 乳香(Frankincense)

  • 柠檬草(Lemongrass)

  • 茶树(Melaleuca)

  • 洋茴香(Fennel)

  • 没药(Myrrh)
防止组织退化很有效,尤其是有伤口坏疽的情况。它的清凉功能可帮助 疖、皮肤溃疡与疮,还能改善流汤的伤口及龟裂的皮肤,有效对抗流汤的溼疹及香港脚。肺中有过多黏液时最适合用没药,因它特别的"干化"作用,对一般肺的问 题有很好的效果.对所有口腔问题和牙龈异常均有绝佳的功效,,可改善胃部异常发酵而引发的口臭,是胃部的补药,对妇科亦有极大助益,刺激白血球、,活化免 疫系统。

  • 玫瑰天竺葵(Geranium)

  • 岩兰草(Vetiver)

  • 马郁兰(Marjoram)
消除淤血的作用极富价值,能消除淤血是因为扩张微血管后血液较易流 通。是非常实用的精油,处理疼痛的肌肉特别有效,尤其是消化问题和月经异常引起的下背部疼痛。能帮助血液循环差引起的肌肉冰凉和僵硬疼痛,使血液畅通,使 人感到愉悦。是心脏的补药降低高血压,其抑制性欲作用也十份着名

  • 快乐鼠尾草(Clary Sage)
促进细胞再生,尤其是有利于头皮部位毛发生长。能净化油腻的头发及头 皮屑,能抑止皮脂的份泌过度旺盛,有益于发炎和肿胀的皮肤。收敛、抗菌、抗炎、柔软及愈合。属于薄何类香草,舒缓功效特强。具镇静、抗自由基离子、制菌、 收敛、滋养、润泽等作用。含七种必须胺基酸及维生素B1、B2、C、A, 对皮肤具有良好保湿调理性。

  • 薄荷(Peppermint)

  • 罗马洋甘菊(Roman Chamomile)

  • 香茅(Lemongrass)

  • 百里香(Thyme)

  • 伊兰(Ylang Ylang)
令人产生愉快的精油也是非常好的催情剂, 对皮肤有助平衡皮脂份泌,对油性或干性都有帮助。对头皮有刺激补强的效果,使头发更具光泽。以平衡何尔蒙着名,调理生殖系统最极有价值,亦称子宫的补药。能保持胸部坚挺,可改善性冷感及无能。对呼吸急促和心跳急促特别有效。

doTERRA Living Tips

 doTERRA Living Tips

  •        Add 10 drops of essential oil to a box of cornstarch or baking soda, mix very well, let set for a day or two and then sprinkle over the carpets on your home. Let set for an hour or more, and then vacuum.
  •        To make a natural flea collar, saturate a short piece of cord or soft rope with Melaleuca oil, roll up in a handkerchief and tie loosely around the animal's neck.
  •         Shoes can be freshened by either dropping of oil into it or drop into a clothes n place in the shoes.
  •         Good smelling towels, sheets, clothes, etc. place a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a small piece of terry cloth and toss into the clothes dryer while drying.
  •         Add 5 drops essential oil to 1/4 cup fabric softener or water and place in the center cup of the washer.
  •        Add a few drops of essential oil to water in a spray bottle and use as an air freshener.
  •        To enjoy a scented candle, place a drop or two of essential oil into the hot melted wax as the candle bums.
  •        To dispel household cooking odors, add a few drops of your favorite oil to a simmering pan.
  •         For tired aching muscles or arthritis aches, mix 1 part Deep Blue oil to 4 parts Fractionated Coconut Oil and use as massage oil.
  •         Ease headache pain by rubbing a drop of Rosemary or Lavender oil onto the back of your neck.
  • To blend your own massage oil, add 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil to 1 oz. Fractionated Coconut oil.
  •         a few drops of Geranium essential oil directly into the shoes or by placing a cotton ball dabbed with a few drops of Lemon oil into the shoes. Athlete's foot? Melaleuca is great!
  •         The bathroom is easily scented by placing oil-scented cotton balls in inconspicuous places, or sprinkle oils directly onto silk or dried flower arrangements or wreaths

  • An essential oil dropped onto a radiator scent ring or light bulb will not only fill the room with a wonderful fragrance, but will also set a mood such as calming or uplifting. (Don't put essential oil in the socket.)
  • A few drops of your favorite oil or blend in the rinse water of your hand washables makes for pleasant results.  

  • Melaleuca oil has been used by fishermen for years. Use a drop or two on the fingertips before baiting up. Melaleuca covers up the human scent that scares the fish away.

  • To lower fevers,  simply rub Peppermint essential oil on the feet, neck, and forehead rather than use a product that is unpleasant or create side effects.

  • An essential oil dropped onto a radiator scent ring or light bulb will not only fill the room with a wonderful fragrance, but will also set a mood such as calming or uplifting. (Don't put essential oil in the socket.)

  • A few drops of your favorite oil or blend in the rinse water of your hand washables makes for pleasant results.

  • Are mice a problem? Place several drops of Peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place at problem locations.

  • Rosemary promotes alertness and stimulates memory. Inhale occasionally during long car trips and while reading or studying.

  • Selling your home? Fragrance sells! Fill the kitchen area with the aroma of spices such as Clove, Lavender and Elevation by simmering them on the stove or in your diffuser. Geranium oil sprinkled throughout the home creates a warm, cheerful and inviting mood. Add Cinnamon oil to furniture polish and wipe down the wood.

  • Add essential oils to paper mache. The result is the creation of a lovely aromatic piece of art.

  • Infuse bookmarks and stationery with essential oils. Place drops of oil on paper and put them in a plastic bag. Seal it and leave overnight to infuse the aroma. Send only good news in perfumed letters.

  • Make pillows, padded and decorative hangers make more memorable gifts simply by putting a couple of drops of essential oil on them before giving.

  • Overindulge last night? Essential oils of Lavender, Rosemary and Lemon help soften the effects of a hangover. Make your own blend of these oils and use a total of 6-8 drops in a bath

  • Essential oils of Cypress, Frankincense and Myrrh all make wonderful firewood oil. Drop approximately 2-3 drops of oil or blend of your choice on a dried log and allow time for the oil to soak in before putting the log on the fire.

  • Flies and moths dislike Lavender oil. Sprinkle it on the outside of your window frames.

  • Place 1 or 2 drops of sleep enhanced oils such as Lavender on your pillow before retiring for restful sleep.

  • When moving into a new home, first use a water spray containing your favorite essential oils and change the odorous environment to your own. Do this for several days until it begins to feel like your space.

  • Ideal scents for the bedroom are Geranium, Lavender or Lemon.

  • Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a cotton ball and place it in your vacuum cleaner bag. Lemon and Purify are nice. Geranium helps with pet odors.

  • To fragrance your kitchen cabinets and drawers, place a good scent dabbed on a cotton ball into an inconspicuous comer.

  • An essential oil dropped onto a radiator scent ring or light bulb will not only fill the room with a wonderful fragrance, but will also set a mood such as calming or uplifting. (Don't put essential oil in the socket.)
  • Apply true Lavender oil or Melaleuca oil directly to cuts, scrapes or scratches. 1 or 2 drops will promote healing.