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Thursday, 15 November 2012

doTERRA essential oils for infant care/1-6個月嬰兒用油(上)

doTERRA essential oils for infant care/1-6個月嬰兒用油(上)

Infant massage should be very light and gentle.
  • Infant should not ingest essential oils. Do not apply essential oils near infant’s mouth, nose, or eyes.
  • Because infant skin is very sensitive, only the mildest of oils should be used.
  • If the infant seems to dislike the smell or feel of a particular oil, there could be a problem with allergy.
  • Keep diffused fragrances light. Intense odors may cause respiratory discomfort in babies. Do not diffuse very strong oils such as cinnamon, peppermint, and oregano in the baby’s room.
  • Always dilute oils used on babies.
  • 為嬰兒按摩動作要非常輕柔.
  • 嬰兒不應內服精油,塗抺精油也應避開嘴巴鼻子及眼睛.
  • 嬰兒的肌膚非常細緻敏感,應使用最溫和的精油.
  • 嬰兒若不喜歡某種精油的味道或塗在身上的感覺,須考量過敏的可能性.
  • 避免使用味道強烈的精油如肉桂,薄荷,牛至等在寶寶房內薰香.
  • 塗抺精油在嬰兒身上一定要先稀釋後再塗抺.
Essential oil application for infants. The first entry is the most highly recommended.
Abdominal Pain(腹痛):
  1. Roman chamomile, wild orange,, Citrus Bliss, or lavender./羅馬洋甘菊,野橘,柑橘清新複方或薰衣草精油
  • Bath: Mix 1 drop Roman chamomile oil and 1 drop wild orange oil with 2 teaspoons fragrance-free baby bath gel or whole milk. Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to warm bathwater, and agitate well before bathing the baby.
  • 泡澡:混合2小匙不含香料的嬰兒沐浴膠及1滴羅馬洋甘菊,1滴野橘
  • Topical: Mix 2 drop essential oil with 1 tablespoon sunflower oil, calendula oil, or fractionated coconut oil. Gently massage abdomen. If abdomen pain is sever, seek medical advice.
  • 局部外用:滴2滴精油在一小匙葵花油,金盞花油或椰子油裡混合.輕柔按摩腹部,若腹部加劇,請送醫.
  1. Melaleuca, lemon, or lavender/茶樹,檸檬或薰衣草精油
  • Aromatic: Disperse 2 drops essential oil into the air with a diffuser at bedtime and again during the day.
  • 薰香:滴2滴精油在擴香器中,在白天或睡眠時薰香.
  • Massage:Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Use a small amount to massage upper chest and back at each diaper change.
  • 按摩:1滴精油混在一小匙椰子油裡,在每次換尿布時,使用一點點混合油按摩在胸部及背部.
  • Bath:  Mix 1 drop essential oil with 2 teaspoons fragrance-free baby bath gel or whole milk. Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to warm bathwater, and agitate well before bathing the baby. Close the door to strengthen the fragrance in the room.
  • 泡澡: 混合1滴精油在2小匙無香料的嬰兒沐浴膠或牛奶裡.加一小匙在洗澡水裡混勻後為寶寶洗澡,並關緊浴室門讓精油的味道能夠留在浴室內.
  1. Citrus Bliss, wild orange, or lavender/柑橘清新複方,野橘或薰衣草精油
  2. Roman chamomile/羅馬洋甘菊
  • Massage: Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil or fractionated coconut oil. Apply a small amount to stomach and back.  Use a warm (not hot) water bottle to keep the baby’s abdomen warm. Burp the baby if gas pains seem to exist.
  • 按摩:1滴精油混在1小匙杏仁油或椰子油中.取一些按摩在腹部及背部.並用裝了溫水的瓶子放在寶寶的腹部保暖.若肚子裡還有空氣的話請為寶寶拍背.
  • Bath: Mix 1 drop essential oil with 2 teaspoons fragrance-free baby bath gel or whole milk. Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to warm bathwater, and agitate well before bathing the baby.
  • 泡澡:1滴精油混在2小匙無香料的嬰兒沐浴膠或牛奶裡,取一小匙倒在溫水裡拌勻後為寶寶洗澡.
Congestion (sniffles)/鼻塞
  1. Lemon/檸檬
  2. Purify, On Guard, or Serenity/淨化清新複方,保衛複方或,神氣複方精油
  3. Lavender or melaleuca/薰衣草或茶樹
  • Aromatic: Disperse 1 drop lemon oil and 1 drop purify in the air at bedtime. For relief during daytime hours, diffuse 1 drop lavender or melaleuca oil.
  • 薰香:1滴檸檬及1滴淨化清新複方加在擴香機裡於睡覺時擴香.白天時可以用一滴薰衣草及茶樹.
  • Topical: Mix 1 drop On Guard with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil, and apply 1-2 drops of mixture to bottoms of feet. Mix 1 drop Serenity with 1 Tablespoon coconut oil; gently massage chest.
  • 局部外用: 1滴保衛複方+1大匙椰子油,取1-2滴擦在腳底.或混合1滴神氣複方在1大匙椰子油裡,按摩胸部.
  1. Wild orange, lemon, or Roman chamomile/野橘,檸檬或羅馬洋甘菊
  • Topical: Mix 1-2 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Massage abdomen, lower back, and feet twice daily. If there is lower abdominal pain, seek medical advice.
  • 局部外用: 1-2滴精油+1大匙椰子油混合.按摩腹部,下背部及腳底,每曰2次.若是下腹部疼部請送醫喔.
  1. Lemon and Purify/檸檬及淨化清新複方
  2. Lavender/薰衣草
  • Aromatic: Disperse 1 drop lemon oil and 1 drop Purify into the air before nap time.
  • 薰香:以1滴檸檬+1滴淨化清新於睡覺時擴香.
  • Topical:Mix 1 drop lavender with 1 Tablespoon coconut oil. Rub a small amount on the chest and back.
  • 局部外用:1滴薰衣草+1大匙椰子油混合.取一些塗抺在胸部及背部.
Cradle Cap (seborrheic dermatitis)/脂漏性皮膚炎
  1. Lemon, melameuca, and orange/檸檬,茶樹及橘子精油
  2. Lavender/薰衣草
  • Topical: Mix 1 drop lemon oil, 1 drop Melaleuca oil, and 1 drop orange oil with 2 Tablespoons avocado oil or sweet almond oil.Very gently apply a small amount to the scalp, avoiding the fontanella ( soft spot). Leave in place for a few minutes; then wash hair with babyshampoo.Repeat daily for one week, then occasionally if cradle cap persists.
  • 局部外用:1滴檸檬+1滴茶樹+1滴橘子精油+2大匙酪梨油或甜杏仁油.取少量非常輕柔的按摩在頭皮上,(避開軟軟的囟門區域),數分鐘後再以嬰兒洗髮精洗淨.每日重覆此動作7天,之後只需要在黃黃的油皮出現時再使用即可.
  1. Serenity, lavender,, or Roman chamomile/神氣複方,薰衣草或羅馬洋甘菊
  • Aromatic: Place a drop of essential oil on a tissue (or rub on parent’s hands), and let the infant smell the oil. Do not let the baby touch the oil. Or apply oil to a plastic nasal inhaler for the baby to smell. Or diffuse 1 drop of essential oil into the air.
  • 薰香:滴1滴精油在面紙上升或塗在媽媽手上)讓嬰兒吸嗅.(別讓孩子碰到精油),或是把精油滴在呼吸器裡讓孩子吸聞.曠香在空氣中也是很好的方式.
Diaper rash/尿布疹
  1. lavender and Roman chamomile/薰衣草或羅馬洋甘菊
  2. melaleuca/茶樹
  • Topical:  Mix 1 drop lavender  oil and 1 drop Roman chamomile oil  with 2 Tablespoons unperfumed cold cream or fractionated coconut oil. If yeast infection is suspected, add 1 drop melaleuca oil. At each diaper change, very gently wash baby’s bottom and pat dry. Apply a small amount of mixture, avoiding the genitals and any cuts or cracks in the skin. Change diaper frequently, and leave it somewhat loose to provide some air circulation.
  • 局部使用:1滴薰衣草+1滴羅馬洋甘菊+2大匙不含香料冷霜或椰子油.若有感染發紅狀況則再加1滴茶樹精油.每次換尿布後沖洗寶寶屁股並拍乾.取少量混合油塗在皮膚上,切記要避開生殖器及乾裂部位.經常換尿布,並且尿片不要包太緊讓它可以通風.
  • Bath: Mix 1 drop lavender oil with 2 teaspoons fragrance-free baby bath gel or whole milk. Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to warm bathwater, and agitate well before bathing the baby.
  • 泡澡: 1滴薰衣草+2小匙無香的嬰兒沐浴膠或牛奶.取1小匙與洗澡水混勻後幫孩子洗澡.
  1. Roman chamomile, lavender, or melaleuca/羅馬洋甘菊,薰衣草或茶樹
  • Topical: Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionateed coconut oil. Gently massage 2-3 drops into abdomen, stroking clockwise to follow the direction of the colon, Give the infant plenty of fluids to drink, If diarrhea is severe or  accompanied by abdominal pain, seek medical advice.
  • 局部外用:1滴精油+1大匙椰子油,取203滴以順時針方向按摩腹部,並讓孩子多喝水或牛奶),若腹瀉嚴重或伴有腹痛,請送醫.
Digestion (sluggish)/消化不良
  1. Lemon or wild orange/檸檬或野橘
  • Topical: Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Apply a small amount to feet and stomach area.
  • 局部外用:1滴精油+1小匙椰子油.取少量塗抺在腳底及胃部.
  1. Lavender or On Guard/薰衣草或保衛複方
  • Topical: Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon frationated coconut oil. Apply a small amount to the bottoms of the feet, the back of the neck, and behind the ears.
  • 局部外用:1滴精油+1大匙椰子油混合.取少量塗抺在腳底,頸後及耳後.
  • Compress: Add 1 drop lavender oil and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to 8 ounces of lukewarm water. Dip a cloth in the water, wring it out well,   and place the cloth over the baby’s forehead to help reduce fever. Make sure it does not drip into the baby’s eyes. Replace compress when the cloth becomes warm. If the temperature is above 102 degrees F, remains high for longer than 10 hours, or is accompanied by severe pain or convulsions, seek medical attention.
  • 溫敷:1滴薰衣草+1小匙蘋果醋+240CC的溫水. 取一手巾沾溼擰乾後敷在額頭上用以降溫.切記要擰乾別讓水滴到眼睛.當手巾變溫時再重覆此動作.若溫度超過華氏102度(攝氏38.8度)或持續發燒超過10小時,或伴隨著疼痛或抽搐時請送醫.

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